Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Easy Peasy noVae Giveaway!!

Everyone Can use a little EXTRA Cash during the Holidays Right?! 
Well, this Giveaway is Easy Peasy & these Gals are Fabulous
to Follow! 

The holidays are approaching!  Are you ready??  I have teamed up with some of your favorite bloggers to bring you the $200 grand giveaway! If you are the winner your can choose $200 to Amazon, Joanns or Michaels! Be sure to enter below an share the giveaway with your friends!

The Grand Giveaway is brought to you by your favorite bloggers!

Good Luck!  
I hope One of You
(My Readers / Friends Wins this!!)

Come follow us through social network and enter to win!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Brave and Beautiful - My Story

I am Brave and Beautiful - a beauty movement that is sweeping the globe. Colbie Caillat started it with her recent song and video called TRY. My blogging friend Megan of Brassy Apple wanted to push this movement along and invited women from all over to share what they looked like without make up and I joined in!! Colbie's song says,
"Take your make up off. Let your hair down... Look into the mirror at yourself, 
Do you like you? Cause I like you... "
Megan and her friend Cobi of Peacefrom6pieces have been the team behind this whole project. Their worldwide vision included creating their own video inspired by the song TRY. The talent of Robbins Creative made it possible for them to pull it off. You have to click play and see the beauty and bravery displayed and you might even recognize a few faces in there.

Me along with 101+ other blogging women from different backgrounds, religions, ethnicity's, ages, shapes and sizes have decided to be Brave and Beautiful! You can join in this movement too by sharing what you look like without makeup on. You don't need a blog either! Just tag your photo with #IamBraveAndBeautiful on Instgram and search the hashtag to see who else has joined in. ALSO, if you tag it with a second hashtag - #ColbieTRY we just might be able to get Colbie Caillat's attention since she was the inspiration behind it all!
Are you brave and beautiful?

Here is My Story...

Being in the Fashion Industry with all the Glitz and Glamor of
Hair & Make up
I think people automatically assume that I am that way.
I'm Not.

Now, don't get me wrong...
I do love my Hair & wearing make up.
I feel Way more Confident in myself when I wear make up.
The teen Years were not good to me... acne became my worst
There were days when I would actually stay home from school
because I had a Huge Pimple or 2 that I could not cover up!

I remember in the 9th grade I had one so bad on my chin that
I'm pretty sure could have been a Boil but not sure.
Anyways, this thing was H U G E, it was swollen & Red
it took up pretty much my whole chin.  I obsessed over it.
Pinching. trying to get it to Pop so it would go away.
I finally ended up putting a band aid on it & went to school.
Yes, a Band aid.
The HS I went to was Ginormous!
My Freshman class alone was 900+
All in all there were probably close to 4k in the entire school.
I felt they were ALL staring at my chin.
I was asked Several times throughout the day and week
what happened?  Well, the story I told was I got bit by a
Spider.  Yes, I lied.  lol  to save my sanity and embarrassment.
I've NEVER told this story before. It may seem Childish & not
significant now but it still plays a huge role in my self esteem.

I still fight with the enemy today.
-even though I was told it would clear up & go away
as I got older....  Not True!

It's not as "bad" as it used to be but there are
times when I may not want to go anywhere
because of a Huge Imperfection that I can't
cover up nicely with make up.

When Megan invited me to be a part of this Project.
I was ecstatic.  I thought of my Daughter & the fact that she
is currently fighting the enemy in her tween yrs.
As she Prepares herself to go into Young Women's,
an LDS church Program where she is with
older girls, and the fact that at that older age most
are already wearing Make up.
Debating if I should introduce her to "cover up"
to cover the Enemy even though she has not expressed
any interest. Then I thought to myself.
She may not be like me....  the enemy may not be having such
a Huge impact on her self esteem like it did with me.
Her enemy is smaller than mine.

I want her to be herself.  If she likes what she sees in the mirror
without Make up - why would I ruin that?
Some days I like myself with out make up
& other days I don't.  

Being in the Fashion Industry is tough.
Yes, we use photo shop on our models  pics.
but only to remove Blemishes & maybe a few other
unwanted "extra" lines on the face.

Ever body wants to look & feel Beautiful in front of the
Camera.  We don't want to look Fake & made up
after the pics. are edited or that could make us Feel that is how
we are supposed to look, and when you look in the mirror
& don't see that you get disappointed.

I don't like doing  "Selfies"
because I don't like taking pics. of my self or having
pics. taken of me....  I know there are a million filters
you can use too.
I just don't feel comfortable or confident.
It is Something I'm trying to work on & over come
& in time I will.

I took this Challenge to push myself out of this Shell / Box
I have created for myself.
I am Brave & I can Do Hard things.

I know I am a Beautiful Daughter of my Heavenly Father
& I know he Loves Me for not what I look like
but for Who I am & What I am to become
with his Help & Guidance
Anything is Possible.

Selfie... aka Good Lighting  + I was having a Good Hair Day! ;)
(taken last year)

 Selfie...  No Filter.
(Taken a few days ago)

 I am Brave & Beautiful.
This is one of the Hardest things I've ever done.
Join Me & Several others....  :)

Let's tell the World it's OK to Take your makeup off
& Like yourself!

share your natrual beauty -  

Don't stop here. Get clicking around - its a blog hop! Below are more brave and beautiful women bearing more than their natural beauty. They each have a little bit of their heart to share with you. Some get very personal. Some share stories. For some this was very hard to do yet they gathered their courage and did it anyway. We hope as you click around (and YES pin these different posts!) you will feel the importance of it, the empowering effect it has and that it encourages you in some way.
>>>>>>>Important info! Blog Hops often have glitches the first day. If the link has an ERROR, simply click on the HOME button for each site, or google the blog name next to the link, and you should see their brave and beautiful post there. Links will be updated as soon as possible.<<<<<<<<<<<<

women sharing their natural beauty - no makeup  

women with our makeup on and what makes them beautiful  

women from around the world share their face with no makeup on -  

Mommy bloggers share their face without makeup and what makes then beautiful  

Natural beauty untouched photos 

raw natural beauty - join the movement 

beauty and bravery - women wearing no makeup -  

#colbietry #iambraveandbeautiful
Ready in join in?Snap, hashtag and share! Tag @BrassyApple and @Peacefrom6Pieces if you can too!
Also follow our Bravery and Beauty PINTEREST board for more inspiration!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Freshly Picked Giveaway + noVae Clothing Giveaway!

(Review + Giveaway)

A few years ago I went to SNAP! Conference & had the Pleasure of Meeting
& taking a Class from Susan Peterson of Freshly Picked

She has been an Inspiration to me ever since. 
Our Stories are Very Similar. 
Both of us Started a Business while our Husbands were in School. 

One Day we will be as Big as Freshly Picked. 

Did you know Freshly Picked Moccasins are not Just 
for Babies?!? 

They are for Older Kids / Toddlers too. 

My youngest is turning 5 yrs old in a few weeks... 
(sad sigh) 

We had him Pick out a pair that he would like to try 
He Picked the Camo - Of course! 

If they had Orange - he would've picked that color. 
that's his favorite color!
(wink, wink Susan) 

I personally Love the Detail that was put into these... 
the FP imprinted on the bottoms along with the FP on the Leather!

They came - quicker than expected - 
The Box had stickers that came with it! 
We cut along the dotted line of the box (super easy) 
& he started putting the stickers on the box in the 
sections they belonged in. 

He had a Blast!  Some stickers were difficult for him to remove 
from the Sticker Sheet but we worked on it together. 

The Camo Moccasins were inside a Freshly Picked Cloth Bag.
When we pulled them out he said:
"Those look like Pajama Feet!" 
(you know the one piece PJ's that have feet in them) 

We used the Sizing Chart on the site 
& Ordering him a Size 10 & they fit him Great! 
With even some Room to Spare for Growth!  

They were easy for him to put on & just Go
because that is what Toddlers do! 

He loves wearing his Moccasins!

They are made of Genuine Leather, 
Soft & Comfortable says the 4.5 yrs old.
These are GREAT Quality! 

The Elastic band in them ensures 
The Perfect Secure Fit!

It didn't even bother him that the front part was flapped over! ;)


Now Let's have Some FUN!


Is going to Give One Winner a Pair of Moccasins
of there Choice in COLOR & SIZE! 
Valued at $60!
The Winner can not have won any other giveaways 
including a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins within the last 60 days.
US Resident Only & you have to be at least 18 yrs old.

We wanted to Match that, so we are Giving away a 
$60 Gift Card to our On line Boutique!!

Good Luck!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Graduation! - Finally

Even though it's been a few months since Graduation... going through these pics. still brings tears to my eyes.

2,307 students were eligible to receive 2,479 degrees and certificates of those, 529 were eligible for honors: The Hubby was One of those 529! - So Proud of Him! -Taco Bell Arena hosted a capacity crowd of 10,493, making it the largest Commencement in school history. 

Go Class of 2014! 

It was Super long... the kids were starting to get restless (even with Electronics) 
Little Mason (4 yrs) was such a Trooper! I had bought some activity books from the 
Dollar Store & brought treats in along with noise makers. 

Ok... I have to tell this Story. 
The Lady I was sitting next too had 2 young girls with her, 
grandkids - they were younger than Mason. 
She wasn't prepared for the long sit & so the activity books were shared. 
As I sat next to her I couldn't help but not visit with her & share my 
Excitement for Tom & Us as a Family & what we had accomplished. 
She sat with tears in her eyes. 

She then proceeded to tell me her story & who she was there for. 
Her Daughter had just recently passed away 
& she was there to see her Grand daughter graduate! 
I sat with tears in my eyes. 

We both cheered, with tears in our eyes, as our Loved one's 
whom had made so much Sacrifice over the years & Overcame 
Trials & Bumps in the road to Graduate!

This was The Hubby's First Graduation. 

Words can not Express the Feelings we BOTH felt that day.

I Hope the kids will always remember this Day... 

We Did It! 

It did Not Come Easy. 

It was Hard. 

We Cried many times over the years. 

We were Tried.

We Endured. 

We were Not alone.

We were Blessed 


After a long - FULL SUMMER - 
we are ready to get back to Work! 

Grad School Preparation is underway! 

Here we GO... 

Round 2 


He wants to be called Dr. Weekes 
(he wants his PHD)

It has always been a Dream of His. 

I know We can Do It! 

We are Not Alone. 


Friday, May 30, 2014

The Hubby's Graduation PART ONE... Boise State McNair Scholars Program

You know it's pretty sad when you have to look up your Sign In info to your blog... lol 

It appears It's been 13 months & a few days since I've "Officially Blogged!" 
I hope the tidbits in the noVae Newsletter counts for Something - because that's
where I was posting info. ;) 

Well, we are going on 2 weeks since The Hubby Graduated & it's been an adjustment. 
In a good way. 
I was afraid if I didn't blog about all this within days of the Graduation I would forget stuff.... 
nope.  - not the case for me - Just Looking through all the Pics. I took brings all those 
Feelings & Memories back as if it just happened yesterday! 
It kinda feels like looking at your Wedding pics. after you come back from your Honey Moon a week or 2 later.... It's still Fresh! I got teary eyed all over again... 

So want to start this Part One off with His Graduation - Recognition Reception in the Scholars Program he was part of for the last 3 years of his 5 years.  The McNair Scholars Program is such an Amazing Program!  ---->  I got this from the Boise State McNair Scholars site page

The Boise State McNair Scholars Program serves students from groups underrepresented in graduate education and first generation college students from low-income backgrounds, preparing them for graduate studies through scholarly enrichment, exposure to research, and other academic experiences and opportunities. The program collaborates with Faculty Mentors to prepare McNair Scholars to successfully pursue a Ph.D. and careers in university teaching and research.  You can read more HERE 

They are basically taught How to do Undergrad Work while still 
attending there regular classes, etc.
They do Research Papers alongside with a Staff Professor, attend Conferences, present their Research & eventually get it Published. 

There is an Interview Process that you have to do - they just don't let anyone in this 
Program.  It's a 2 yr. Program but some Scholars, such as Tom, went 3 years. 
He could have Graduated about 3 years ago but when he was 
introduced to this Program - He Just knew it was something he was supposed to do
So he extended one more year & then another last year when 
he realized he needed more Math after he found what he really wanted to Study 
the Year Prior.  (did you get all 

He would like to Study in the Field of 
Cognitive Neuroscience
It's Fairly new & is Incredibly Difficult to get into Programs 
because it's not in most Universities. 
It's Basically the Study of Decision Making. 
I found a great site that explains more in depth HERE

Anyways... So FRIDAY, May 16th 2014 was a Big Day for us! 
He was Graduating with his Cohort!
The Cohort from last year was so Fun - We got to know them
pretty well & I know Tom really Connected with them & Friendships 
were made. Last year was really hard for Tom to attend the 
McNair Reception as everyone in his Cohort Graduated without Him. 
They were an Incredibly close group. 

Tom was one of the Last one's to Speak at this Reception... 
He put the Kleenex box in it's rightful place. 


He spoke for about 10 mins.  I loVe Listening to Him Speak... 
Like a Talk in Church or Teaching, he truly has a Gift of getting 
everyone's attention & touch their Souls with Every Word.

Needless to Say He made Everyone at our Table Tear up... 
Even his Dad. (Who like Never Cries!) 

Tom Giving the Program Coordinator - Helen- a Big Hug! 
She is Basically the "Mother" of Every Cohort. 
These Scholars Sacrifice so Much & Spend more time with each other 
than their Own Families.  She is a True Blessing to Everyone. 

There are No words for these next few pics... 

I tear up Every time I see them... (tearing up now) 
This little Boy is our Youngest (4 yrs) & all he's know is 
"Daddy going to School" 

Even though he was So Incredibly Bored at this Reception... 
This is what He did afterwards. 
I think deep down he knows His Daddy Accomplished something 
Pretty Big! 

A lot Of People have been Asking what all the Cords mean? 
I have to admit 
He was VERY COLORFUL & It just made me even more
Prouder!! (is that even a word? lol)

The Thick GOLD Cord = Graduate with Honors. 
So here is a little Story - Facts - 

2,307 students were eligible to receive 2,479 degrees and certificates of those, 529 were eligible for honors: The Hubby was One of those 529! - So Proud of Him! -Taco Bell Arena hosted a capacity crowd of 10,493, making it the largest Commencement in school history.
Boise State University - 2014!!!

The Red / White = APS (Association Psychology Society

Teal = 1st Generation College Student
This is something they Just Started This Year - I thought It was So Cool
& Hope other Universities Start doing this! It was Suggested by 
a First Generation Graduate Student Last Year!

Blue / Silver = Psi-Chi National Honor Society 
(He was President this last year!)

Gold / Black = Gamma Beta Phi National Honor Society 

Blue / White = McNair Scholar

On Top of All his Responsibilities, Goals, Homework, Meetings, & I'm 
sure I'm leaving more out... 
He was a Father to 4 kids & Husband & Shoulder to 
Cry On. 

I would be Lying if I told you it wasn't Hard. 
It Was one of the Hardest things I think we've 
ever endured Together! 

I would also be Lying if I didn't tell you there were 
times when Both of us, not at the same time, wanted 
to GIVE UP! 

The Business was & Is Growing & I'm 
running it All By My Self. 
(I know have Huge Helping Hands) 

But it was at those Times is when we pulled the other one 
up from the Dark & Dreary Ground & Told 
the Other - We've Come Way too Far to 

We were both Living Separate Lives.
He had the School Life... I had the Business & House to Run during the 
day - taking kids to Dr's appts, picking meds, etc..

He would wake up with the kids in the Morning 
get them ready for School & take them. 
Because I would Be up Late the Nights Prior Working on 
the Stuff that didn't get done during the day. 
Remember - we still have a little one at Home. 
Being a working Mom from Home & Running a Business 
is NOT an Easy Task. -lol 

Most of our "Dates" were Grocery Shopping. 
(boring - but we made the Best of it! ;) 

I would take Him to School 
Pretty Much Every Day & Pick Him Up. 
(Did this for 3 Years) :) 
He was just like one of my Kids... 
I would sometimes pick him up from School after I 
picked up Everyone else. 
Sometimes he would Stay Super Late & work 
because He knew he wouldn't be able to get his Homework 
done at Home... way too many Distractions. 
Plus He is THE PARENT that Plays with the Kids.... 
I, on the other hand, am not. 
However, It is something I'm working on. 
Don't get me wrong.. I loVe my Kids & I loVe being with them! 
I've just never been one to just drop everything & Play.... 
I'm a Work - a - Holic. 
It's in my Blood or a Disease... It's one of my many 
trials I have here on this Earth that I'm trying to change. 

Ok, sorry, this post is starting to turn directions. 

I guess what I was wanting to accomplish with all this 
rambling is that it wasn't Easy But it was 
WORTH IT & we couldn't have done it 
without Each other & a Loving Heavenly Father. 

When we Obeyed .... 
We both become a Stronger Couple & Family.
We have been Truly Blessed. 

To Be Continued... 
(It won't take a Year... Promise) 

- xo